• Modern
  • Coaches
  • The area
of 7000 m2
    The area
    of 7000 m2
  • Parking for
160 places
    Parking for
    160 places
  • Availability of
swimming pools
    Availability of
    swimming pools
  • Large bar with
sports nutrition
    Large bar with
    sports nutrition

Be stronger
change your body with us

Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse malesuada, diam ut mattis lacinia, nibh mi ultrices felis, ultricies. Suspendisse malesuada, diam ut mattis lacinia, nibh mi ultrices felis, ultricies. Ipsum vitae cursus aliquam, enim enim porttitor turpis, eu dignissim mi metus ac orci.


Choose your plan

for beginners

for beginners

$ 59
  • 2 workouts per week
  • One Crossfit Workout
  • Group lessons and sparring
  • Personal trainer
  • Individual meal plan
Advanced lessons

Advanced lessons

$ 129
  • 2 workouts per week
  • One Crossfit Workout
  • Group lessons and sparring
  • Personal trainer
  • Individual meal plan


$ 249
  • 2 workouts per week
  • One Crossfit Workout
  • Group lessons and sparring
  • Personal trainer
  • Individual meal plan
Our Staff

Meet our coaches

Duis tristique efficitur malesuada. Vestibulum turpis ipsum, volutpat id rutrum vel, ornare at magna. Quisque pretium ullamcorper felis nec dignissim.


Get special nutrition program

Fusce vestibulum, urna sit amet convallis ornare, erat urna viverra nisl, sed gravida tortor ipsum mollis augue. Curabitur sollicitudin risus ultricies ante congue, sit amet sollicitudin est ultricies. Aenean finibus libero ac nunc molestie lobortis.

Calculate Your Ideal weight

50 kg

What our clients say

Cameron Guthrie

In my experience as a footballer, tackling and contact is often overlooked as a skill that can be learned and practised. Recognising this, Bangsy has created a program that effectively teaches the fundamentals in this important part of our game. By breaking the specific skills down into smaller parts, the players learn the correct methods of tackling and contact to maximise success and reduce the risk of injury. Personally, Bangsy has helped to really improve my tackling technique with both drills and after match feedback. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the footballing world and myself and my teammates thoroughly enjoy his coaching!

Mark Blicavs

Bangsy has helped me with simple fundamentals and messaging when tackling. Channel, get in close, hit, drive with momentum. Our Confidence to nail the tackles comes with the training we do and he has given us that confidence!

Tayla Harris

Bangsy has helped me improve my knowledge on best tackling practices. Plenty of useful drills that can be done with minimal equipment. In games I feel stronger and more effective when tackling.